Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Karma stretches out to perpetuity, the life of endless lives, the endless life of birth, aging, sickness, and death—the endless cycle of suffering to varying degrees. Only enlightenment will set you free from the cycle of birth, living (karma building and changing), and death. -Edward Rim

Enlightenment. That's the goal of all Zen Buddhists.

Like everyone dictated by one's own karma, so are nations, people, the Earth, and the Universe. Nothing lasts forever without changes, but Karma will always be there, accepting and evolving from these changes because Karma is the universal law and the truth.

Karma will still rule the universe filled with AIs. I can't even imagine the world in the years 2050, 2100, 2200, or infinity, but karma will prevail as the law of the universe in all aspects of intelligence, cognitive reasoning, and understanding.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Karma does not necessarily reward or retribute in like kind, but with the exact weight to an ounce, in severity, or in magnitude. Often stretching many lives afterward, there is no such thing as forgiveness or salvation from karma. You are what your karma is. You live as you pay for your karma, building and changing your karma at the same time. -Edward Rim

I often wonder where people like Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, and all those warmongers throughout human history toil their lives today to pay for their karma. The human ego, to be famous and powerful historically and during their short lives, often commits unspeakable human disasters, sins, or karma to satisfy their vainful and fleeting ego.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

“Karma is a tricky thing. To serve karma, one must repay good karma to others. To serve karma well, one must sometimes deliver bad karma where it is due.” —M.R. Mathias

In order to stop bad karma from ever building on top of another bad karma, bad karma must pay to teach individuals to never commit the same bad karma to others and to themselves. That preventive measure, "putting fear" itself, is good karma. 

“The meaning of karma is in the intention. The intention behind action is what matters.” - The Bhagavad Gita

You can hide your intentions from others, but you can't hide your intentions from yourself. You definitely know your intentions, and karma builds on intention, not necessarily only on actions. 

Karma will always find you in the rightful place to pay for your deed. - Edward Rim

I do not have to go any further than myself and the situation I am in now to prove that my karma will always find me in the rightful place to pay for my deeds, good or bad.